Thursday, December 18, 2008

Week 11!

So, we're now in week 11 and the gummy bear has graduated to a plum! Woohoo! Today I am feeling about 900% better than I have the last month or so. I hope that means more good days are ahead in my near future, but I don't want to get too excited. I actually felt like eating today, and had enough energy to go to the grocery store and buy more than just bread & milk. I bought a lot of fresh fruit, because apparently the "plum" needs more than yogurt, grilled cheese, saltines, and ice cream. I've been snacking on berries & "cuties" today. I have a routine appointment with the doc on Monday so I'll make sure and give everyone an update then, if not sooner.

For those of you expecting Christmas cards this year...I had good intentions!!! I bought all the goodies to custom make each and every one of you a Christmas card and I have my address list right here, but this year again has slipped away from me. Maybe I'll start sending cards in February or March...then you'd definitely remember getting my cards.

Last weekend we had a great time with the Goode side of the family in Moody. You can't ever go wrong with lots of good food and a Chinese gift exchange. This weekend we're going to spend some time with the other side of my family in Waco at Brandon's graduation. Then we're headed to Lufkin for Christmas.

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